Friday, September 21, 2012

Christ Our Mediator a review

This book reminds us that the Cross should be the focus of all we do, it should be center stage.The thought that Jesus stayed on the cross because His passion was to do the will of His Father and His love for sinners like you and me which is reason enough to praise and thank Him. In the second half a question is asked-Who do you identify with from the characters in the crucifixion story is it Peter, Pilate, Simon of Cyrene, Mary, or the crowd. The Author has you think about that and tells you who he thinks we are like and why.

When you have felt alone and abandoned by God, did you ever think about how Jesus felt the same when He was in the Garden and on the cross of course His was because He was receiving the wrath of God in our place. God can and does relate with us in our pain, sorrows,loneliness , etc. because He is our Mediator. Read this book it will remind you of all Christ did and experinced for us in our place.

I received this book from Waterbrookmultnomah Pulishing Group for this review which is my own.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Bottom Line- Simply Jesus

This is a really short book only 62 pages, but within those pages we are reminded that it is all about Jesus and not a church, pastor, program, or system. How many times do we do things, for "God" but at a moment of time we see something in Scripture and are convicted because some of the things we are doing, we are/were doing for reasons other then Biblical reasons. We must be reminded that we are saved to be a light and to bring glory to God. This book serves as that reminder.

This book is a short, easy read, but to the point.It is good for all Christians but would probably be more helpful to a new believer. I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review which is my own.