Wednesday, November 7, 2012

No Excuses Unstoppable a Review.

What is your excuse you would think that being born with no arms and legs would be a good one. Nick Vujicic has learned that self-destructive urges that came when he lost faith and focused on what he couldn't do rather then what he could, he lost hope in the future because his vision was limited to what he could see instead of opening himself to what was possible- even impossible.
   Nick tells of lessons he learned through dealing with his physical challenges of having no arms and legs. He even tells of his attemping suicide and why he didn't follow through with it. These lessons are good for all of us.
    I felt shame and petty because I can come up with excuses and I have no physical challenges to deal with. If you are one of those who makes excuses his book is for you and great for learning how to overcome excuse making. You will come away if Nick can do it then so can I attitude.
    I received this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review which is my own.