Thursday, December 9, 2010

why the title

any moment now I get from the fact that Jesus Christ will return to earth in all His glory and it can/will happen at any moment. It also fits in that when the things of life happen they do so any moment now. Why I started this blog? First it fills a request of a publisher in order to fulfill a requirement from reviewing books. Second it is a way to improve my typing, gammar, spelling, skills and third its a way for me to share any moment now what I am thinking,  learned or things that are bothering me. Does anyone care to hear my thoughts, beliefs etc. I don't know but then this blog isn't for them. Well lets see how this blogging thing works out. History is being made now as I type my first ever blog. Have a great day and remember this is the first day of the rest of your life go do something with it. Until next time.

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